When I'm faced with needing to make an item for someone, I really don't prefer to re-invent the wheel. I had made a scarf for a co-worker which prompted him, within 5 seconds, to request a matching stocking cap. While this normally is no major challenge, I was faced with making a hat in blue and orange. Yup - Illini colors strike again. If you remember from previous posts, I had made an Illini lapghan for my husband. Those colors excited my co-worker who asked for a scarf who has since asked for the hat. I cannot seem to escape the blue and orange!
my finished Illini stocking cap |
So, to make life a little easier, I want on a hunt for a stocking cap pattern that would be somewhat modifiable to address the two bold, non-complimentary colors I needed to be using. I found this gem:
Easy Crocheted Hat.
I read through the pattern and it seemed doable other than the two color situation I was facing. What I chose to do was half double crochet in back loops in blue for the main portion of the hat, just like the original pattern. The main modification I did here was to cut back how long the piece was. I made room for the brim which was added in orange as half double crochets, not in back loops only. I edged the orange in a little blue, added a puff ball to the top and called it a night.
I can't say that I'm 100% happy with the results but it turned out well nonetheless.
Do you do the same - modified patterns to fit your needs? Start from scratch, making your own pattern as you go? Find an exact pattern that fits your needs?
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