Sunday, April 03, 2011

[2KCBWDAY7] Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011: Day 7

Hi there and welcome to my final post in the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011 online event. Today we are supposed to talk about our knitting or crochet time... for me, obviously, it will be my crochet time. Not necessarily "where" we crochet, but what we do when we craft - our trends and the like.

This is actually a relatively difficult topic for me simply because I do not have a set time or place - mostly because I can't have a set time and place. My life is always a wee bit hectic and depending on the time of the year or month, one moment can be complete night and day to my last. I hate playing the "I'm so busy" card - but right now that is how my life plays out, every moment of every day. Just to give you a taste (considering I don't normally reveal this sort of thing on my blog) - I (1) work full time, (2) am a full time graduate student, (3) am a mother, (4) am a full time artist, (5) am working on losing weight which is a full time job, (6) cooks meals at home most of the time because of the weight loss thing, (6) works out at least an hour a night if I can in order to lose weight, (7) have to find time to clean the house....

And the list really does go on and on. It's just part of who I am as a person and the other part is that I don't like to complain about it. I wish other people could get a general understanding of my schedule and time constraints, but if I try to help them understand, it will only come off as whining - so I try to not do that.

So, while I may not be able to crochet a set number of hours on set days in a set place, what I can guarantee is that I make time for it. I try to squeeze it in between homework and fitness as best I can. Some Saturdays I can just dedicate 2 or 3 hours for crochet - and that feels heavenly.

I tend to crochet alone but not by choice. I would love to join a crochet group but my time is not conducive to "getting away" for that hour or two a week/month/year. So, I sit in my recliner most of my crochet time and hook away, listening to music, watching a movie, or chatting to the kids.

I do tend to crochet in the car on long trips (read as: any trip over 10 minutes). I have panic disorder and thanatophobia which can be read as: riding in cars is not my favorite thing to do. So when I get the chance (obviously as passenger only) I'll bring my bag along and hook, head down, trying to drown out the sound of the tires in my head. I refuse to allow those two things to rule my life so while I do not like doing certain things - I do them anyway and am usually glad I did.

I enjoy the meditative feeling that comes with crochet - I can easily get lost in a pattern and it helps calm my nerves. So while I do not really have a set schedule as to when and where and with who, I can say that I make time for it daily - even if it's just 15 minutes between all the things that tend to pull me one way or the other. Having something to ground me in the middle is always a good thing.


If you are interested in what others have said about their crochet time, shoot on over to google and search on the keyword 2KCBWDAY7 - you will find a lot of blogs!

I have really enjoyed participating in this event and look forward to participating again next year. I thank everyone who read and commented on my blog and appreciate all the new followers (although I must admit, it makes me a wee bit nervous that I'm not that entertaining!) hehehe

Have a great day! God Bless and happy hooking!
- Cris


Julie said...

Very much like me and my crochet time. Except the car thing, I tend toward motion sickness, so I can only crochet in the car if we're on a highway, with no turns or stopping and starting. I wish I could do it on shorter trips!

So glad I found your blog this week!

Stefanie said...

I'm amazed how you can crochet away in the car; I think I'll get carsick. Perhaps listening to your iPod will help keep the sound of the tires rolling about?

Tecrin said...

I wish I would be able to crochet in a moving car... I get carsick fairly easily so reading a book or doing things on my phone for a longer period of time already makes me really queasy...

Tecrin said...

I wish I would be able to crochet in a moving car... I get carsick fairly easily so reading a book or doing things on my phone for a longer period of time already makes me really queasy...

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