Total Items on YOP List: 19
Items Complete: 4
% Overall Complete: 21%
I was able to complete one pair of socks this last week raising my total percent complete from 16% to 21%. Its always very exciting to see the percentage go up - isn't that the beauty of tracking a list of items?
I did not post an update to the socks I completed this last week so this is an image of those socks.
I am really pleased with how these turned out - the stripes lined up (almost) making them practically identical. I used yarn purchased from Knit Picks in the colorway Stream Bed. I admit I was hoping for a wee bit more blue, but in the end, they are rather nice.
They are quarter length socks made for barter.A friend of mine from yarn group agreed to make me a winter hat for a pair of socks. I said ok but then another said that it was a bad deal - I should get at least two hats for a pair of socks. Without my interjecting that one was enough - it was agreed upon! I already have the "practical hat" ready and waiting for me in the closet - and she is working on the second hat. I'm very excited for both. I do love to barter!
Anyone who is a reader that is interested in bartering? I have a PO Box I'd be more than willing to share *smiles*
I have not made progress on the Navajo Diamonds Blanket - I think I am going to save it for my September Rush project. I am approximately halfway done with the Lapghan I am making as a Christmas Gift. By approximately, I mean that I am exactly halfway done with the squares BUT I need to calculate in the time it will take to do the border. I cannot wait to share that as a finished item.
I did finish another Christmas present yesterday - I knit a hat! Even more crazy - I knit a hat in ONE DAY! I
fancy myself the slowest knitter this side of the Mississippi - regardless of which side you choose, I'm sure I'd win.
The pattern is called the Fisher Cable Hat and was designed by Lindsay Felice. I used I Love This Yarn brand yarn in a nice forest green color. No - I did not look at the color name on the ball band prior to tossing it. It uses around 200 yards of yarn so a very nice stashbusting type pattern for any knitter.
I did add 2 rounds of the plain stockinette at the top of the hat and decreased down 1 more row than shown in the pattern - and I think it is a very nice hat. I did it in about 8.5 hours so that means the more experienced knitter could knock it out in oh.... 2 or 3 *smiles*
The only reason I am sharing a picture of it here is because I am pretty sure the recipient of this hat is not a blog reader. But if they are - I'm not using their name or relationship to me... so HA - it can still be a surprise.
From my update it does appear as if that I have put my hooks away and exchanged them for knitting needles... and that could not be further from the truth. It just so happens that my crochet projects are projects best left at home. A knit sock is a small take-about type project that works well for me. So do not think that crochet-with-cris is turning away from crochet. I'm still hookin' with the best of them. *smiles*
Year of Projects Year 3 List
Navajo Diamonds Blanket
Lapghan (Christmas Gift)
3/10 pair of knitted socks (my own patterns)
Knit a sweater for The Man
Knit a pair of spat warmers (Christmas Gift)
Knit a Pair of Mittens (Christmas Gift)
Scrap-ghan (another design other than my extreme granny)
A wrap/vest wearable for me (no pattern selected yet)
Summer Flies Shawl #2
Socks Pair #1 finished July 2013 - Finished FINALLY
Summer Flies Shawl #1 finished July 2013 - Summer Flies
Socks Pair #2 finished August 2013 - More Socks YAY
Socks Pair #3 finished August 2013 - this post is the update
This post is part of the Come-Blog-Along Year of Projects group on Ravelry. If you are interested in joining or reading other posts from other participants, please visit the group linked here.
oooohhhh stripy socks! I love stripy socks. And the hat is cute too... I love the cables, aren't they fun
Great socks and I love the crochet block and the blanket. All of it really and so happy to hear you aren't giving up crochet! LOL! I need to get back to socks....soon. You are mistaken though...I am the slowest knitter, crocheter, eater, housekeeper.... need I go on? LOL! Have a great week!
Great socks and I love the hat !
Love the socks, you matched them up perfectly! And I've made that hat too, and I would agree that it's a great patterm
Your bartering idea is a grand one! The stripey socks turned out great and the hat is smashing--I really like cabled hats and have one waiting to be finished for my son.
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