So let's get going with the two projects you have stared at for the last 2 weeks.
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after clue #4 |
I have no idea what we will do with the little floral looking pieces though - that is the part that has me scratching my head if this is, indeed, a bag of some nature.
I would like to point out that the ball of yarn was one of the big skeins of Red Heart Soft. It is down to more than half its size so I hope the project ends soon. That's the only skein I had *laughs*

I suppose overall I'm "ok" with this bag. It isn't working up exactly how I saw it in my mind's eye, but it surprisingly looks a lot like the picture.... which doesn't seem to make much sense, eh?
Ok - the biggest WIP I have going this week and part of next is the move. Yup - we are supposed to close on Friday which puts us in the house Friday afternoon painting and changing locks. So that means right now we are boxing things up and throwing a lot of stuff out. And by a lot - I mean... A LOT.

I was a little worried it wouldn't fit! We live on a very busy road with a narrow drive in front (we don't use) and then access from the back alley... but the fence and neighbors garage limit the ability to back in with a large truck. So... it went into the front drive. The guy had the busy road all blocked off and was just like "vroom vroom drop bang raise BYE" in a matter of minutes.
He was good.
So with that said - just another head's up that my internet will be iffy after Friday so I am not sure about getting an FO Friday post up (unless I pre-write it with the one tiny item I finished) and I'm unsure about my ABCs post on Monday. Obviously, that one is easily enough pre-prepared... if I can think of something for H now *laughs*
If you are interested in what other people are doing or would like to share your WIP, click on over to Tami's Amis blog and go through the Mr. Linky.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day.
Oooh, the mystery CAL just gets more intriguing ;)
(in response to your comment on my post - I managed to get pictures in with html too, couldn't get anywhere in compose)
Blogger has been really good to me excluding the last couple weeks. Not sure what's up.
The Mystery CAL has been fun. I didn't know how I would like it but I must admit - I'm having a great time. In fact, I was a little miffed that I may have to wait to work on the next clue because of the move LOL
if you're in the midst of a house move, H could very well stand for "hell of a thousand boxes", if you have anything like the amount of stuff we do!
Congrats on the new house and good luck with the purging and moving.
Aaagh! I don't think I could handle a mystery kal/cal. I am way too impatient. Good luck with the move...and getting all of those WIP's done.
Best of luck on a smooth and painless move.
When my family moved for the first time in 13 years, we filled four dumpsters. I don't remember what size they were, but I remember thinking it was an awful lot of junk that accumulated in the house.Each time we move, we throw out more and more stuff - and since the last move, I've vowed to stop accumulating the useless. No more knickknacks for us for a while. :p
Seeing the size of the dumpster you ended up with, I can see why you were worried it wouldn't fit!!
Moving is exciting and a huge pain in the rear all at the same time! Good luck with it all, and have fun getting settled in.
Lovely little WIP and good luck with the rest of the move!
Hope the move goes well!
I'm struggling to think of something for H as well, lets hope we both are struck with sudden inspiration! Lol
So much going on - hope the move goes well for you - good luck!
Hope your moving is going well. It's always interesting to see just how much stuff suddenly becomes trash when you have to think about packing it up.
We moved here 9 or so years ago.. and we moved a lot of boxes in and put them in the basement. THEY ARE STILL THERE - BOXED UP! *laughing* We needed to do this 9 years ago but didn't... so now we have all the junk from 9 years ago and the junk accumulated in the last 9. *ugh*
Thank you! Right now I don't think we'll have everything moved in a week. The man seems to think we'll have it all in this weekend. *laughing* I am not willing to lay money on that one :)
Oh I desperately hope we are LOL I was hoping to work on it tonight but I'm still like piaget's theory... a clean slate LOL
Thanks! Hopefully it won't drag on too long :)
You are so right. We are so excited to have a new house in a nice little neighborhood NOT on a busy street... but the pain of moving just sucks!
Oh, I'm pretty darn sure that we won't be accumulating the useless for a while either hehehe It is amazing how much stuff we have.
I wasn't sure if I would like it either - obviously following a pattern on your own you have pictures and stuff. I wasn't too worried about that - I just wish I could work more on it when I have time rather than having the wait. Other than the wait, it's actually very fun :)
Thanks - need help with the purging because the man doesn't want to pitch near as much as I do LOL
If I don't come up with something by tomorrow night, I very well may use this LOL
I can't think of anything that red CAL could be but a bag. Although I did have the thought that it might be one of those midwife visual aids ... a knitted uterus ... imagine carrying that around as a purse! Hope that isn't too naughty a post for your blog :-)
HA - uterus.. oh oh oh,, uterpurse *laughing*
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