Sunday, January 08, 2012

Charitable Crochet: 12 for 12 Post #1

Today is my first post in the 12 for 12 Project set up by Kathryn over at Crochet Concupiscence. Click on the link if you are interested in reading more about the project.

The premise of the project is to make 12 separate donations, one to each of 12 different charitable organizations of your choice.

And this..... is my update.

I know that I have yet to pick all 12 and I also think I'll be donating more than once to each of my chosen charities. I am also looking at more well-known charities for crocheted items and seeing if I cannot make a local counterpart. Such as instead of giving to a known chemo cap organization for mass distribution, visit my local cancer center and see if they'd prefer the donation instead. I am still being inspired by the larger project efforts and may, in fact, donate to them too.

As I go along you will see charities added (with links to websites where available) and my response to them be it a local alternative or a donation to the project. 

This... is my 12 for 12.

My overall goal is to have the same or more organizations/projects listed with a progress report than the number of the month we are in. Example: right now I have 3 projects listed - that would equate to March, the third month of the year. If I go passed March and have not added any, then my guess is that I am falling behind a little in my charitable giving project.

I'd like to point out as well that if you have a charitable project suitable for crochet items, shoot me a message. I would love to hear from you. I could add you to the list. If anything, I can add you to my charity giving list (tab at the top of the page).

I would also like to say that I do feel a little awkward putting this out there. I feel donating and giving of oneself is most treasured if it is altruistic. I am not looking for any sort of recognition - I actually contemplated against participating. But - in the end, I figured if others see it being done, it may catch on like a virus. A little bug you want to catch and pass along because in the end, it makes the world a better place.

So.... here we go!

1. Knitted Knockers
Website Link
My Pattern
This is one of the first programs that came to mind when I decided to join the 12 for 12 Project. I read about it months ago and thought it was a very clever idea, but I knew I was not an experienced enough knitter to take on the challenge. I am not quite sure why I didn't think about crocheting a knocker back then, but I have now. I had trouble with the crochet pattern listed on the website which is why I decided to create my own.

As of January 8th, I have made 4 knockers. It takes approximately 2 hours for a D cup knocker, which isn't too bad. I was lucky that someone had given me some poly-fill last year so I'm totally prepared with supplies to crochet knockers.

This is one of those charitable projects where I want to look local first. I have sent an email to a local hospital that houses a prominent cancer treatment facility along with a women's center that has a focus on women's breast health. Hopefully I will hear back and be able to set up a meeting time with someone from the facilities to show them the crochet knocker and to find out if it is something they would be interested in. If they are not, I will be shipping my crocheted knockers off and have them distributed by Knitted Knockers.

Made 4 / Donated 0

2. Special Olympics Scarf Project
Website Link
This is a project that I was already participating in so I figured I should add it to the list. I have not been able to get crackin' on a lot of scarves so I'm hoping the 12 for 12 Project will help me kick it into high gear. My goal is to make at least one scarf a week, perhaps make that my focus when in the iYarny group. Then, by mid February, have several to send off to one of the states' offices for Special Olympics. I would contribute to my home state of Illinois; however, the deadline has passed and the state made goal. (yay)

I figure when I am ready to donate, I will go and find a state that needs them most with a deadline after the current date.

Made 0 / Donated 0

3. Sunshine International Blankets of Love (SIBOL)
Website Link
If you blog, then chances are you have heard of Sunshine International Blankets of Love, or SIBOL for short. The purpose of SIBOL is to put together blankets and donate them to nursing homes and charities for the elderly. The reason Sue, the founder of SIBOL, decided this was her charitable project is written out in a lovely story about her grandmother. It is touching and hits home with many of us.

My goal is to send Sue 25 squares to make a blanket. Heck, maybe 50 to donate. I don't know. I have found my first square pattern and will be crocheting it tonight. I look forward to assisting with the wonderful and touching mission to show someone that we do care.

Squares Made 0 / Squares Donated 0

4. [to be determined]

5. [to be determined]

6. [to be determined]

7. [to be determined]

8. [to be determined]

9. [to be determined]

10. [to be determined]


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