Now that I have afforded myself the ability to focus on my rather short, but relatively intense list, I didn't do one spankin' thing on any of it this last week. Nadda darn thing.
And that, my dear readers, is how I roll. *laughs*
Ok - its not that I didn't work on anything. I ended up getting a hat order from a person at work which meant I was getting paid to have startitis - but this startitis was with direction. I ended up crocheting an ewok hat (well, 2 because I wasn't comfortable with the sizing presented in the pattern the first time I made it) and a minion hat.
I do not frequently do character hats but one is for playing and the other is, per his mother, going to be his Halloween costume - and I am all about hand made Halloween costumes. I should block about those sometime *smiles*
OH - I did pick out some yarn for one of the pairs of socks (they will be a gift for my son) and rolled it into a ball.
That's progress, right?

And since I don't have anything to show of my YOP2014 listing.... I shall leave you with an adorable photo of the little boy chilling out in his new ewok hat
YOP2014 List
- Socks
- Socks
- Socks
- Spats for my daughter
- Illusion Knit - new to this list, was not on YOP3 listing
- Lapghan #2 - new to this list
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