Project Percentage Complete: 53%
Overall Percentage Complete: 70%
Number of Project Items: 98
Number of Added Items: 90
Total Items: 188
Total Completed Project Items: 52
Total Completed Items: 132
UGH - I totally dropped the ball on this one. I can honestly say I have completely lost track of all that I had added to my original list... and even more honestly - that is hard to keep track of!
*greys all those items out all over this list*
Ok... so my next step is to move down all the things I finished.
So first... lets just remove that.
*moves Wingspan down to completed.. oh, and some faux boobs*
Now.. to update my percentages at the top of the page... *heads off to do that*
So, it looks like I finished 53% of my original list. I doubt I'll do a final post UNLESS I finish the Navajo blanket before the end of June, and quite frankly - that isn't looking very promising.
I had hoped that keeping a list of added items in addition to my original list would have inspired me to stay on track. I did it the first year and just threw caution to the wind. I did it last year but chose larger projects instead of several smaller for my YOP list... and that seemed to backfire because I tend to lose my steam in the middle of blankets and afghans.
So - do I participate again? Do I ignore the added items calculations.... I dunno. I have yet to fully complete a YOP without taking mass breaks in the middle either.
Something I did notice was that my charitable crafting was down this year. Perhaps that has to do with the focus on such large projects - but I need to get back to doing that. I really enjoy the idea of helping others through my yarning.
Of course - I need to get back to blogging too.
I'm having trouble focusing on creating my patterns. I have so many ideas and some even halfway worked out, but never got around to writing them up. And yesterday - what happens but I come up with a sock idea *face palm*
So yea... there ya have it. Perhaps we will see where the day goes. How the month goes as far as getting the navajo complete.
I really should look at the books for the State Fair - perhaps I can still get a tag in on this thing and that'll drive me to actually complete it.
Hmmmm that may just work.
*emotes one last time to say she's headed off to the state fair website*

I had come up with the idea to do a ying yang painting for the Man on Father's Day - but the more I worked on it, the less I liked it. I am a landscape/realism type girl so something like this is hard for me to create. It just doesn't look "right" to me... so I didn't finish it.
I told him of my failed attempt and let it go.
Regardless of what I thought of the painting, I came home from work on Monday and it was hung up on the wall. So a half-done fish painting that I'm rather embarrassed about is now displayed in our activity room. HA! go figure :)
Project List Items (not started/in progress)
- Navajo Indian Multi-Color Afghan (gift)
- 17 squares for SIBOL
- 6 faux boobs for donation
- 5 pet beds for donation
- 10 chemo caps for donation
- 2 swiffer covers (for me!)
- Knit a Sweater for the Man
- 1 pair spat warmers
- Woven Blocks Crochet Quilt
- Room Shoes
- Amimono Kimono (for me!)
Project List Items (done)
- 33 squares for SIBOL
- 5 knit/crochet cloths for Mom (Christmas present)
- 5 knit/crochet cloths for SIL (Christmas present)
- State Fair Afghan
- Dead Fish Hat (Birthday gift for DS)
- Spidey-colored Round Ripple Lapghan (Christmas present)
- 1 crochet knockers for donation
- Wrap (ended poorly - was supposed to be for Squirt but... didn't work out)
- Knit Wingspan Shawl
- 3 faux boobs for donation
Added Items (not started/in progress)
- Tongues of Fire (for me)
- Pimpelliese (for me)
- Striped Granny Bag
- Elite Syncopations
- Harry Potter Scarf
- Blue or Purple Cowl (for a friend; after the holidays)
Added Items (done)
- Have a Heart Shawl (free Red Heart pattern)
- Magic Square Potholder
- Boot Toppers (Christmas present)
- 50 Ruffle Scarves
- Striped Scarf (Christmas Present)
- Crochet Clock (Christmas Present)
- House Slippers (Christmas Present)
- Warm Hat with Bill (Christmas Present)
- Stocking Cap (Christmas present)
- 3 icord knit snakes
- My Garter Slipped Scarf (for me)
- 3 pair Vanilla Socks
- 2 plastic canvas door hanging pouches (for Valentine's Day)
- 2 Ice Pack Pillowcases
- 13 Crochet Fortune Cookies
- Headband to Match Garter Slip Scarf (for me)
- Vanilla Socks for me
This post is part of the Ravelry Group "Come Blog-A-Long" #yearofprojects Project. If you are interested in joining along or finding other posts similar to this one, visit the group on Ravelry.
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When I look at your totals I see you completed over half of your list, this is great going and you did admit they were larger projects than the first year so all in all I think you did pretty awesome. If you do take part in a third year and I'd love if you did, perhaps smaller projects with one or two large ones and a section for your donations and one for designing. I'd love to see more of your designing. :)
Thanks - I'm sure I'll give it (yet another) whirl. :) I definitely want to put some time back into designing - been pushing to put some time into the navajo.... 3 rows already today (4 hours later LOL)
I think over half your list complete is amazing progress. I've also gone off list towards the end, I think it happens to the best of us. And I love the fish painting, I think it looks great :)
I agree with Ruth--first we would love to see you back, and second, her ideas for structuring your list sound great to me!
Is hubby a fisherman? I don't feel like I did well on my list either, and on top of that...I'm here thinking I'm posting the final post for 2013, planning to think about 2014 do or not, and I can't even post my link to the forums cause it's apparently today the end of month was suppose to be the first post of the new year, not the last post of 2013. Egads....I apparently failed at both ending and beginning. I'd love to see you do more charitable yarning you know what a passion that is for me. Year 2013 YOP Wrap Up
He is not... he just wanted me to do something more abstract (which is very hard for me) - and since he loves the martial arts, I thought something with the ying yang would be fun.
Hmmmmm I thought today was the day that we could post our last post too... DOH! :) seems we are in the same boat hehehe
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