Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why can't we be on the letter V?

V is for Virus


So, last night, I was perusing one of my favorite free crochet pattern directories looking for a pattern to create a new craft bag. Something sturdy. And of course, I got sidetracked into looking at market bags as well (but that has nothing to do with the story).

As I was clicking "open in new tab" down the first column, a java script began to run .... I sighed in disbelief of picking up a virus on a pattern website. Oddly enough, the lovely little script shut down my virus protection software and proceded to "wipe" my harddrive.

Yup - last night around 7pm.

Now, before I continue this blog - I want to make sure that you are aware that I didn't get the virus from the pattern directory website - I got the virus from the pattern that was linked on the site. I am sure it was fine at one point and I would almost bet the person with the pattern doesn't know their website is spreading the virus. This is common enough which is why protecting yourself is on your shoulders - unfortunately, malicious people are out there so we have to watch out for ourselves.

Ok - on with the blog!

I initiated immediate virus procedures and began cleaning up the mess. As it turns out, the lovely virus didn't wipe my drive, it simply hid every file and has somehow screwed up my entire program list. Who knows.

I am about 80% back (as of last night around 11pm); although, my efforts to do system restore have been thwarted. As of this morning, three attempted system restores have failed. At this point, I am thinking that I needed to clean the drive up anyway. I have my personal folders and can easily backup my pictures and videos to a disk and just reformat the rest to rid myself of the pesky virus once and for all. I would have about 2 or 3 hours of installs to restore all my software but honestly, is that so bad? I was looking at my harddrive last week and noted that I needed to clean it up. Perhaps this little virus is just the kick in the pants I need to get the drive taken care of.

Honestly - I'm a little frustrated I got the virus but I was not doing anything horrendous. I am a bit surprised that a site with a crochet pattern on it is spreading the little gem; however, at the same time the IT person in me says 'what better place than a website with a crochet pattern' -

So why this blog post: be careful out there, make sure you have anti-virus software, and that you are keeping the software up-to-date (although in my case, that didn't really matter, did it?).

I am fortunate enough to have "blogged ahead" and got three posts together that have images and I can edit to make them current to the day. They will have images; however, anything new without pictures for the next few days and you will know which posts were made after the virus. I figure, though, I'll be up and running again tonight - no biggie *smiles*

Not only am I thankful that I was able to blog ahead, I am blessed to have the knowledge to remove the virus from my PC and blessed to have friends that can help me out with information I may not have known (thanks Shoo for the link!)


Sandycrochet said...

Glad you were able to get on top of things quickly.  I thought almost everything has javascript so how would one know what is good and what is bad?  What virus software do you use?  I'd not be able to take care of that on my own and would need to call on hubby.  I do run my software all the time.  Good luck with all

gail said...

I don't understand how people can be so cruel.  I wouldn't know what to do if that happened here.

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